Alexandra Koussoulakou
Professor, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Department of Cadastre Photogrammetry and Cartography, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - phone +30 2310 996138




Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (ΤΕΕ). Member of the Association of Greek Surveyor Engineers, as well as of the Association of Surveyor Engineers of Northen Greece. Founding member and member (1993-2023) of the Board of the Hellenic Cartographic Society (ΧΕΕΕ). Member of the Dutch Cartographic Society (NVK), currently Geoinformation Netherlands (GiN). Secretary of the Working Group WG V/5 of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ISPRS, for the period 1998-2000. Secretary of ISPRS Commission V (“Close range techniques and machine vision”) for 2000-2004. Member (1995-2007) of the Commissions “Map Use” (now “Maps and the Internet”) and “Visualization” (now “GeoVisualization”) of the International Cartographic Association ICA. Member of the Commission Cartographic Heritage into the Digital of the International Cartographic Association since 2006. Member of the Board of the National Centre for Maps and Cartographic Heritage - National Maplibrary, 2010-2013.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece | Faculty of Engineering | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Engineering Complex, University Campus