Alexandra Koussoulakou
Professor, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Department of Cadastre Photogrammetry and Cartography, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - phone +30 2310 996138




Research cooperations in areas concerning implementation and applications of digital cartography in topics of archaeologicalhistorical, literary, cultural interest. Reviewer of scientific papers & publications for the journals Computers and Geosciences, International Journal of GIS, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Cartographica, The Cartographic Journal, e-Perimetron, Γεωγραφιες (Geographies), for the book Exploring Geovisualization and for the Conference Proceedings 11th International Conference on Information Visualization and ICA's 26th and 27th International Cartographic Conference Proceedings and publications. Participation in the editorial team of the journal e-Perimetron (international web journal on sciences and technologies affined to history of cartography and maps). Participation in 12 research programs, funded by european or national organisations. Participation in 90 international and national conferences and meetings, with 80 presentations. Participation in organizing of 33 conferences, workshops, scientific exhibitions. Publications in journals, books and conference proceedings.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece | Faculty of Engineering | School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Engineering Complex, University Campus